A new business in Jefferson has been awarded $5,000 in Jefferson Wants You Incentive Funds for a new start-up.
Murphy Farm Meats, LLC is owned by Dennis and Terry Murphy of rural Jefferson. The new butcher shop will be located at 201 W. Washington St in Jefferson. A retail area for fresh meat cuts will be in the front of the building, with custom butchering in the rear area.
The Murphys have been raising their own beef, which they will butcher, with plans to also sell pork, lamb and goat. Watch for opening information of their shop in the near future.
The Murphys currently host a Facebook page and a website murphyfarmmeats.com with opportunities for purchase of meat.

New business start-ups in Jefferson are eligible to apply for one-time start-up costs of up to
$5,000 through the Jefferson Wants You Incentive Fund. The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is a partner offering free business consultation with North Central Iowa regional director Justin Faiferlick at iowasbdc.org. This is a project of the Economic Vitality Team of Jefferson Matters with local committee members reviewing applications and conducting interviews.
Pictured from with the check – (L to R) Dennis Murphy, Scott Weber, Terry Murphy, Jamie Daubendiek, Tina Beaman, Peg Raney, Amy Milligan, Matt Wetrich